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Black Magical People Kamal Supreme Imani Spoken Word Poetry

Kamal Imani
Published on 25 Mar 2021 / In Entertainment

Black Magical People is spoken word with the
intent to inspire and uplift a people who at times
become broken but never give up the human fight
for dignity, self and international respect! Kamal
speaks real genuine truth fused with a slow banjo.
Spoken Word Lyrics:
Black Magical People!
Loving you is all I know!
Loving you is all I know!
Black magical people,like a lotus flower, continue
to unfold,
Black magical people, Your lives are more valuable
than diamonds or gold
Black Magical people, every day you're making
history so let your stories be told-be bold
Black Magical People, They can't take away the
power of our infinite minds, natural talents and
eternal souls
Black magical people, Self love and Unity
has to be our primary goal!
Loving you is all I know!
Than let the money flow to our own businesses
Let's be financial dividend witnesses
Sistas respect the brothas and brothas respect the
Let's start settling out of court
with brothers manning up and paying their child
be a father to your child
and a man to your woman
don't put your hands on our women
or your privates on our youth
We need to follow the holy scriptures
and live lives based on truth
African culture is beautiful
and righteousness is cool
don't let American capitalism turn you into
a hi tech slave
a narcissist, a fool
but by all means, get your paper bu bu
but don't hurt nobody
work hard, work smart
and at the end of the day, party that party
Loving you is all I know!
We come a long way baby
we're the first to walk in the sun
we made some mistakes, suffered pain and heart
but watch out world, cause here we come
We see the plans for depopulation and
so we'll rebuild our black wall streets with
cause if we forgot, internal and external gun
keep reminding us, that we're a nation within a
and we must create our own soulutions
In solidarity!
Black magical people
Loving you is all I know!
Black magical people,like a lotus flower, continue
to unfold,
Black magical people, Your lives are more valuable
than diamonds or gold
Black Magical people, every day you're making
history so let your stories be told
Black Magical People, They can't take away the
power of our infinite minds and eternal souls
Black magical people, Self love and Unity
has to be our primary goal!
Black magical people,like a lotus flower, continue
to unfold,
Black magical people, Your lives are more valuable
than diamonds or gold
Black Magical people, every day you're making
history so let your stories be told-be bold
Black Magical People, They can't take away the
power of our infinite minds, natural talents and
eternal souls
Black magical people, Self love and Unity
has to be our primary goal!
Kamal supreme
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Bless the Mic
#Black lives matter
#Justice or Else
#black priviledge
#Genius is common
#Spoken Word
Spoken WordSpokenWordPoetryHip HopAcousticNeo soulblack lives matter
Released by:
Bless The Mic LLC

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1 Comments sort Sort By

CoCoSpRiNkLeS 4 years ago

Thank you for this. love light and rainbows.x.x.x

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