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Onyi Anyado presenting a Keynote presentation to a class of young men at an anti-gang event part 1.

Published on 29 Nov 2020 / In Motivation & Upliftment

Onyi Anyado is a Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Life Coach and Mentor.
Onyi is a dynamic, inspirational and original speaker who uses his experiences as a young man to challenge a generation of young people to achieve visions of excellence. During his time of living the 'street life' six of Onyi's friends were murdered and Onyi himself was nearly shot dead. Onyi's call, commitment and challenge is to inspire, impact and influence a generation of young people to fulfill their potential and become a reference point of excellence to the previous, present and future generations.

Onyi is available to speak in schools, youth organsations, seminars, conferences, prisons and on youth panels, nationally and internationally. Onyi brings to youth speaking what no other speaker in his generation brings and wherever Onyi goes, he leaves footprints of excellence which can be easily walked in.

To request for Onyi to speak at your event, please go to the contact page at http://b1coaching.com/ and send your relevant information. For Onyi's products please visit http://www.onyianyadomediahouse.com/home-page/

I am not just a role model that part is easy; I also inspire, influence and instruct a generation of young people on how to become a reference point of excellence to their generation as well. © O. Anyado 2012. http://b1coaching.com/inspiring-influencing-and-impacting-the-next-generation-of-leaders/

You can also follow Onyi on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/onyianyado777

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