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Are Your Children Special or Normal

Kamal Imani
Published on 10 Aug 2023 / In Films / Movies

⁣Why have many abandoned catholic schools been quietly turned into special education schools? When public schools can't handle their energetic or drowsy students, this is where they are sent.
At other times they're sent to nice schools with big names like "Madison Prep" or "Wyndham Academy", but what are they and the teachers really learning? Let's take a peek.

In many American Schools, Special is the new normal
It's 10:30 AM, Do You know where Your Children are?

Standard Deviation the Movie and Series Coming Soon!

Starring G-Swiss aka Geno Brown, Shannon Peaches Neeley and Troy Poet Lewis

#genobrown #gswiss #troypoetlewis #standarddeviationmovie

#idaraatiri #carolinefernandes #Arthena

Special is the New Normal
by Kamal Imani

@SpecialEducation #adhd #bipolar #asbergers
@autism #schizophrenia #medicine

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