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Black British Excellence in the Music Industry: Are We There Yet?

Published on 16 Dec 2020 / In Discussions

We recap our live discussion panel on Black British Excellence in the music industry and explore whether we are there yet?

On the panel: @hakbaker Mykaell Riley (@the-dubologist), Antonia Odunlami (@toney_baloney) and Jesse Bernard (@marvins_corridor)

Key themes include:

- Define - what is Black British Excellence and who are the best example of it in the UK music scene?
- Recognition - can we define excellence from within the Black community or do we need external gratification to serve as recognition? (e.g. MBEs/OBEs etc). Is a MOBO Black Excellence, or do you have to win a Brit Award / Mercury Prize?
- Ownership – where are all the black executives in the UK music scene?
- The Future – Are we there yet? - what have been the blockers to Black British Excellence in the music industry and are they still in the way?

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