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Black British History Course Fundraising Campaign | Enrich Learning

Published on 27 Oct 2021 / In Black History

I started Enrich Learning aged 12 with a vision of creating a positive impact using education as a tool to empower and uplift everyone regardless of their colour, creed and/or circumstance.  

I was deeply moved by the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and felt compelled to do my bit to help educate people about race in the UK.  As someone who has been confronted by racism throughout their life, I know the damage it can do to someone's confidence. Racism makes people lose a sense of their identity; it strips away your pride and creates distrust. 

In a bid to build the confidence of black people in the UK and educate all people about the black race, I will be hosting a series of FREE online Black British History Classes. Black British people have a rich history the entire country should be immensely proud of. I was born in the UK and have spent all 21 years of my life here. Not once was I taught Black British History in school and this lack of education is a significant part of the race problem we have in the UK. This problem stops here and it stops now. 

I'm raising money so that I can provide the highest quality course, stream it live on YouTube so that everyone can access it and send out educational resources for the people that sign up. These resources include books written by Black British authors and historians who, for so long, have been overlooked and not listened to. 

Anything you donate would mean the absolute world to me and all the people who access this course. 

For more information about the course and if you would like to sign up, please visit the Enrich Learning Website: https://www.enrichlearning.co.....uk/blackbritishhisto

Thank you so much for taking the time to engage with my campaign. 

Happy Learning, 
Onyinye Udokporo
Founder and Director of Enrich Learning

Soundtrack: https://www.bensound.com

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