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Black Content for black children by black creators - Conversations with Tonye

Published on 22 Aug 2020 / In Education

Hi! I’m Tonye Faloughi-Ekezie.

I’m a wife and a mother of two, a boy Ugo and a girl Sim Sim. I run my own business in entertainment consultancy, my specialty being in TV and film production. My background in this field is as a Commissioning Editor and a Producer. I am currently working on my own content for children with books, music and cartoons called Ugo and Sim Sim, which is based on my children.So enough with the boring stuff. Why am I here? Well...I have a daughter Sim Sim who has Down syndrome. As a result she had life threatening cardiac complications but we’re now through what I believe is the worst, and in a good place. As life is beginning to settle down and for the first time in years we can make plans, I feel a sense of being able to reflect but also a desire to share my journey and more importantly what I’ve learnt so far.The most important tool to be an advocate for your child with special needs is access to knowledge, especially if there is a lack of access to good therapists and healthcare professionals you may need to support your child. So here we are at Simone’s Oasis, a place of nourishment, knowledge, sharing and community. I hope you join me on this journey, as we encourage each other through it all. I look forward to sharing, learning from, and growing with you.

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