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Dear Researcher: Can you help Black People in Britain?

Published on 28 Nov 2020 / In Health & Well Being

Health and Medical Research is the key to improving our medical and hospital treatment. My experience as a Public and Patient contributor over some years now has highlighted the gap for research into Black People's health. Sadly most researchers avoid including Black People because they do not have to and they cannot be bothered to translate their research to make it relevant or even reach out. Another sad thing I have found is that research is now becoming a platform for only those who can afford to contribute to research. Participants are not having their time and expenses paid and sadly doing research with the least amount of money and time is becoming something to be proud of. Nobody wants to recognise that by doing so the basic human right to relevant medical treatment is being denied to some people.
As a Public and Patient contributor, I am asking Dear Researcher can we please stop this inequality in research.

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