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I'm a Author the Black British History Book

Published on 27 Oct 2021 / In Black History

BLACK INFLUENCES ON BRITISH CULTURE (1948 TO 2016) is aimed at parents and teachers who would like solid information to teach their children Modern Black British History, and to exercise the historical skills required by the National Curriculum. It is an engaging, well-researched and comprehensive text that you can buy on Friday and put to work on Monday. The book is subtitled 32 HOURS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIAL FOR PARENTS, GUARDIANS, AND TEACHERS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. The classes follow chronologically from 1948 to 2016 dealing with politics and culture, and the role Black British people played. The book contains a Picture Appendix and a discussion of Black History in the most recent update to the English National Curriculum. The material is designed for children at Key Stage 3 Level (young people aged 11 to 14). The lessons can work with slightly older or younger people. We, for example, have profitably used this material with adults. The book highlights Black Migrant, African American and Black British influences on the host community. However, cultural influences are always multi directional. Black Migrant culture has massively been shaped by being in the UK. Thus, Black Migrant culture evolved into Black British culture by adopting influences from the host cultures. Moreover, the book narrates how Black Britain gradually won acceptance as a part of British mainstream culture through boxing, athletics, football, art, textiles, literature, drama, and politics. To our knowledge, no other book aimed at schoolchildren carries this empowering content.

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