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Prostate Cancer Myths | Ask a Prostate Cancer Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Published on 16 Dec 2020 / In Health & Well Being

PCRI's Alex and Executive Director, Mark Scholz, MD, discuss common misconceptions in prostate cancer.

0:11 Does prostate cancer have symptoms? Prostate cancer does not have any symptoms until it has advanced to other parts of the body and developed tumors large enough to push against sensitive areas of the body. Monitoring for symptoms is not an effective way of detecting prostate cancer.

1:59 Is PSA testing necessary? The PSA test has several uses. It is used to screen men who have never been diagnosed, to monitor for a possible relapse in men who have already been treated, and to verify that a treatment was/is effective. It became controversial because of the overtreatment of indolent forms of prostate cancer, but the PSA test is still the best tool for early detection of prostate cancer and with expert advice one can avoid the risks of overtreatment.

3:56 At what age should one begin PSA testing? A man should educate himself on the PSA test and then begin testing in his 40s.

4:30 Do you need to have surgery first before having any other treatments? There was a time when that was a genuine concern, but with today's technology, radiation is more effective and less toxic than surgery. There are also other methods of ablating the gland for men with previous radiation (e.g. cryotherapy, HIFU).

Don’t know your prostate cancer stage? Take the quiz: Visit http://www.prostatecancerstaging.org
To learn more about prostate cancer visit http://www.pcri.org

To download the free Staging Guide visit http://www.pcri.org/prostate-cancer-s...

Who we are:

The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to helping you research your treatment options. We understand that you have many questions, and we can help you find the answers that are specific to your case. All of our resources are designed by a multidisciplinary team of advocates and expert physicians, for patients. We believe that by educating yourself about the disease, you will have more productive interactions with your medical professionals and receive better individualized care. Feel free to explore our website or call our free helpline at 1 (800) 641-7274 with any questions that you have. Our Federal Tax ID # is 95-4617875 and qualifies for maximum charitable gift deductions by individual donors.

The information on the Prostate Cancer Research Institute's YouTube channel is provided with the understanding that the Institute is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendation. The information provided in these videos should not replace consultations with qualified health care professionals to meet your individual medical needs.

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