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Sislin Fay Allen - First Black Woman Police Constable (Black British History Animated)

9 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 27 Oct 2021 / Im

In our first video for the year, we look at Black British History. Sislin Fay Allen is known for being the first black woman police constable in the United Kingdom, serving in the Metropolitan Police in London from 1968 to 1972.

Allen was born in Jamaica in 1939 but worked most of her life in the United Kingdom. She qualified as a state registered nurse and worked at the Queen's Hospital, In Croydon, an area in South London.

On her lunch break one day, while reading the newspaper, she saw a recruitment advertisement for Male and Female Police Officers.

Allen had always been interested in the police, possibly due to her being raised by her Aunt who was Judge. So she took the paper home with her that evening after finishing work and filled it out once she got home.

Surprisingly to her about two weeks later, she had received a response from the Metropolitan Police asking her to complete and return some additional application forms.

After completing the form, Sislin said she wrote that she was a black woman at the bottom of her application…………

We don’t want to give away everything here, so to find out what happened next for Sislin you can check out todays video

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