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Published on 30 Nov 2020 / In Music

Lovers Rock seemed to fulfil the negative stereotype - black man stealing from telephone box; rejection, abandonment, hostile men; ganga; aggressive women, excessive behaviour.


This video provides information, not advice. The content in my videos is provided for general information only. It is not intended to and does not amount to advice which you should rely on. It is not in any way an alternative to specific advice. You must therefore obtain the relevant professional or specialist advice before taking or refraining from any action based on the information in this video.

SANELINE – 0300 304 7000 4:30 -10P (DAILY)

GAY/LESBIAN ‘SWITCHBOARD’ - TEL: 0300 330 0630 10am – 10pm (DAILY)

THE MIX (caters for the 25yrs) 0808 808 4994 - Sunday – Friday 2pm – 11pm

C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably) (IF YOU IDENTIFY AS A MALE
Tel: 0800 585 858 - 5PM – MIDNIGHT every day

FINANCE CONCERNS: 0800 138 7777
DOMESTIC ABUSE: 0808 200 0247

This channel is in addition to my more popular channel "Blackbrightnews"(www.youtube.com/c/blackrightnews), which covers legislation, COVID19, updates, political observations and other matters of community interest.

I decided to re-ignite this old channel as a self-help,- self-care, self-love and relationship focussed channel, using a pseudo-counselling technique. You can ask me to discuss any relationship or personal development topic by texting me while I am live on Afribean Radio every Wednesday between 7p-9p on 07309 853369 or emailing me at bbcs4Luton@aol.com typing: "DARK SHADES COUNSELLING REQUEST" in the subject line. Note: The mobile number is only available while the show is on live.

Why did I call this channel 'Dark Shades', because we all have that dark side (that part of us we are afraid of or embarrassed about) that we need to bring out of the shade.

I hope this channel will move you out of that 'dark' place into a place that feels brighter and more pleasant to live in.

I intend for my videos to give a different perspective on situations and experiences we take for granted. I hope that in seeing different perspectives, it will go some way towards alleviating stress, bias and self-recrimination.

Are you curious about my other channel? https://youtu.be/2gDYIfrtjhE - is the link to one of my videos on political and social issues.

A special thank you to all my subscribers for their comments, interaction, suggestions, thoughts, donations and feedback.

Donations are really appreciated and can be made payable to:

Black-bright Community Services Limited,
Sort Code: 20-53-33
Account No. 43911802
International Contributors: IBAN GB06 BUKB 2053 3343 9118 02

or by Paypal . Email:blackbrightnews@gmail.com

FOR VIDEOS ON POLITICS, LEGISLATION AND SOCIAL ISSUES, check out my sister channel Blackbrightnews : www.youtube.com/c/blackbrightnews


Kind regards and nuff blessings


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