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Corporate Black/BAME Networks: Mobilising Change Through Governorships & Trusteeships

Published on 15 Dec 2020 / In Black Owned Business

This is a webinar for the Black/BAME internal corporate networks to learn about how you can become a school governor or a trustee for a charity. This includes how to get your employer to sponsor training courses and why becoming a trustee/governor can lead to a promotion at work. Most importantly, anyone over the age of 18 can become a Governor or a Trustee! 

introduction - 5 minutes (Moderator/Founder)

Getting on Board Presentation  w/ testimonial - 15 minutes 

Inspiring Governance Presentatiin w/ testimonial - 15 minutes

Q/A - 25 minutes 

In June, BYP Network hosted a 'How do we Mobilise Change?' event which led to five next steps action points. One of them included having those in the black community take up more leadership positions through trusteeships and governorships. Co-Founder & CEO, Kike Oniwinde, became a trustee of an organisation that helps others become trustees - in order to continue the mission of changing the black narrative. 

Here's some feedback we had from this event!
"Thank you, this has been really useful"
"Great facilitation Dom, great speakers, you guys were super engaging + informative. Many thanks!"
"This has been fantastic, thanks all!"
"Really useful session. Definitely feel motivated to get on with it. Thank you all so much!"

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