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Finding Patience - Understanding the cultural heritage of individuals living with dementia

Published on 17 Dec 2020 / In Health & Well Being

Understanding the cultural heritage of individuals living with dementia, enables high quality, safe, person centred care that focuses on the individual rather than the disease, and an understanding of challenges that may be rooted in a person’s cultural background.

‘Finding Patience’ opens the door for health and care professionals to start talking about cultural sensitivities that may result in a reluctance to come forward and talk about concerns. It aims to encourage health and care professionals to break down barriers in order to reach people who may otherwise go undiagnosed or struggle in isolation to provide care within family units.

The film aligns to tier 1 (awareness level) dementia training, which aims to; familiarise people with recognising and understanding dementia; support people interacting with those with dementia; and provide people with the knowledge to be able to signpost patients and carers to appropriate support.


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Lorna Blackman
Lorna Blackman 4 years ago

The actress playing Patience was in Cross Roads in the late 1960's . She oe of the first black actress on TV at that time

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