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Published on 29 Nov 2020 / In Discussions

For my culture is a night focused on the issues and struggles of Minority Ethnic groups. The night is an exploration of those issues through artistic expression. The night will feature poetry, original music, story telling, singing, short films and even interpretive dance.

For this event we’ll be investing time into the LGBTQ+ This venture into such a seriously undermined subject is our first of hopefully many and we will be giving a portion of the profits to A charity that supports black pride. Since it’s our first time delving into it we decided we should do it bigger and better than any we’ve done before, so we brought together scholars, activists, artists, creatives and a whole host of extraordinary people together for a night dedicated to this seriously misunderstood but prevalent issue.

For so long now Minority Ethnic groups have never truly got the time and when it comes to LGBTQ+ it’s another level of this issue amplified it’s been a long time people have been kept quiet or silenced or just ignored all together but on the night we will have time period of pure release and relaxation for those that feel they never got a chance to speak, for those that were told they were going mad or acting strange, for those that wanted support from family and friends but found ridicule instead, for those that know freinds who aren’t ready to be there truest self or for those that are that freind. It’s s night for people who are curious to understand, for those that are inquisitive to grow in knowledge and for those that believe “no one gets it” to see how many people actually “get it”

It’s a night where people can talk, laugh, dance and enjoy the energy of one another knowing that everyone who has come that night is there in support of what’s happening. The space that is created is for those in need of that space. On the surface It’s a night on LGBTQ+ issues, In reality the hope is that it’s a night that helps someones life immeasurably

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