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Onyi Anyado presenting a quote from his second book: The Doorway To Distinction: week 4

Published on 29 Nov 2020 / In Motivation & Upliftment

Onyi Anyado is a Visionary, Keynote Speaker and Author. Onyi's 2nd book in 12 months titled The Doorway To Distinction-200 Quotes To Inspire You To Reach New Levels of Excellence has 25 quotes on distinction, excellence, goals and vision and has teaching, inspiration and coaching to assist you to write and achieve your goals accomplish vision with excellence and become a person of distinction. The Doorway To Distinction can be ordered from his website at http://www.onyianyadomediahouse.com/store/#ecwid:category=2231512&mode=product&product=9415035 and is also available on Amazon and Amazon kindle and can be ordered from http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=onyi+anyado+&x=17&y=15

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