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Be A Man A Poem

Kamal Imani
Published on 01 Oct 2021 / In Entertainment

Be a man
That's the hardest challenge since no one gave you the plan
"When you fall down, get back up and take a stand"
and you'll be standing alone if no one comes and gives you a hand
cause some people are oblivious to the fact that you could use some help
and people are just unfair
they will take you out to the middle of the ocean
and leave you there
but you still have to be a man
Even though no man preceded you
can you still be responsible
to the people who will succeed you?
To be a boy you won't want to
but to be a man, you will need to
see being a man is about doing what you have to
It's about sacrificing for success, for your seeds and for your bu
Yes, your woman is the best, put her on a pedestal
give her the respect you give your moms
look at all she does for you
Be a man
so your daughter could know what a real man is and
your son can grow up to be a man too.
Be a man!

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