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Martin Luther King Its Complicated - A Poem

Kamal Imani
Published on 10 Feb 2021 / In Films

Some people loved him and some people hated
Do I rock with him? Well…Its complicated
I mean, on one hand I identify with the non violent tactics of ghandi,
But on the other hand, don’t nobody put there hands on my lady, my sister, my cousin or my Mommy
Then, it’s time to drop bombs be
It’s time to strike up an army
And that goes for anybody who tries to harm me
Now integrating the buses, bathrooms and woolworths
Was worth it be
But we left our land down south and got an apartment for a house, and, that was silly
We left farms and black wall streets for factories
When we, should have ran the Klu Klux Klan into the burning cities
And then the media jacked his speeches, and made him into an idealistic dreamer
Like he was black coffee mixed with too much creamer
But they left out that he was down for boycotting and reparations
They left out that…He was an economic redeemer
So, it seems a, Lot of us need to reevalute Dr. King
God bless the child whose got his own, Our king on his throne,
would want us to do our own thing!
#spokenword #poet #mlk #martinlutherking #poetry #poetrycorner #blessthemicciphers #kamalsupreme #kamalimani #letstalk

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