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Corporate Allyship with the Black Community: From Talk to Action

Published on 15 Dec 2020 / In Black Owned Business

This is event took place on Monday 15th June 2020.

The creation of BYP Network is our way of bringing this talented yet marginalised black community together to support one another and grow together. Helping them connect all over the world is our way of bridging the divisions that exist internally and externally of the black community. We also believe in working with corporations and holding them accountable to real organisational change and responsibility for developing and empowering the black community. We welcome allies that want to help gain equity and equality for the black community whilst understanding the importance of not taking up space.

This event is centred on how those within corporations can be part of the solution in 'changing the black narrative' by being informed on what true allyship is.


Introduction - 15 minutes

About BYP Network and panel introductions

Panel Questions - 30 minutes

1. What does being an ally mean to you?

2. What is corporate allyship and how can companies endeavour to be this?

3. Can you give me an example of when you were a corporate ally or been impacted by a corporate ally?

4. Why is corporate Allyship particular necessary for the black community?

5. If we have to do this event in one year and all the attendees come back, what are three key impact points you’d like to see?

Q&A - 30 minutes

Final summary: What's the one thing you'd ask the audience to do tomorrow, that will actually make a difference

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