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Gospel House I Still Believe in Miracles

Kamal Imani
Published on 07 Mar 2021 / In Music / House

©I Still Believe in Miracles – Kamal Emanuel
Put your hands up if you still believe in miracles
I said, put your hands up if you still believe in miracles
Cause no matter your color, your religion, your sex or your race
If you wanna make it, you gotta keep the faith
I came here to tell you that
No matter what you’re going through, you must believe in miracles
You must believe in miracles
You must believe in miracles

The Most High aint tell you about Joseph for nothing, cause when his brothers did him wrong, he went through hell, he went through the fire, but you know, he came out strong!
So, hold on, claim your victory, cause it won’t be long

I believe in miracles – Still
So peace, be still

And I, personally like the story of Job, cause when you lose everything you love
And there aint nothing but isolation and pain
You have to realize, that you have nothing to lose and all to gain
And with the faith of a mustard seed
You have enough power, to break the chains

So, don’t let nothing keep you down
You have a mission here on earth! So put it down!
Cause you’re a spiritual being
And your heaven bound
So right now, make a joyful noise, make a thankful sound
Cause everyday, your spirit you are saving and rejuvenating
As you keep the joy in your heart, cause God is amazing
Our God is all powerful
So, no matter what you’re going through.
You must still believe in miracles
I believe in miracles
Cause he’s always there for me and you.

I believe in miracles – Still
So, peace, be still
Let’s Go
Available on Bandcamp
I Still Believe in Miracles | Kamal Emanuel | Kamal Supreme (bandcamp.com)
Coming to all online stores on May 1st, 2021
Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels

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